Honma Story

Honma is a brand that stands for more than just club making. It’s a company where traditions of craftsmanship, conceived 60 years ago, remain today.

Nestled in the foothills of Sakata, Japan, is Honma Golf, where 400 master craftsmen work together with a single goal: To produce the world’s finest golf clubs. Since 1959, Honma has been crafting some of the highest performing golf clubs on the market. From shaft innovation to master modeling, Honma has been pushing the craft and artistry of club making.

Moles are culturally recognized for their pursuit and determination. A mole searches for its prey with perseverance, ultimately finding its resources. With limited sight, the mole must depend on its natural, yet advanced instincts to thrive. These characteristics reflect Honma’s continuous pursuit of perfection in the art of club making.

Our clients look to Honma clubs for more than performace. They seek the spirit of uncompromising perfection that's built into every club we make. No compromises,
No automated solutions. Mass-market clubmakers seek to eliminate human error.
At Honma, we seek to capture human artistry. We take great pride in what we do.
Pride that beginds and ends with the woek of our master craftsmen.

At Honma, our focus extends to the last hundredth of a millimeter. It's in this ultraprecise realm that we seek out new improvements. Some of our master craftsmen have been occupies by this quest for two decades now, at our Sakata Design Facility. They understand that at the pinnacle of the clubmaker's art, each new creation must be infused with both beauty and performance. We start with the
latest materials and technologies, of course, but our goal is to move quickly beyond the science of clubmaking, and into the art. Honma. Creating clubs for true
golf connoisseur.

The path to clubmaking mastery is long. It begins with apprenticeship, and
concludes when a craftmen is able to infuse his every movement with a single
goal to make the finest clubs in the world. At the peak of his craft, a Honma
clubmaker can imagine exactly how the finished club will feel, and play, in the
client's hands. Technologies continue to evolve, but the master craftsmen at
Honma understand that one value remains timeless: creating precision tools that
our clients will cherish. We take great pride in what we do. Pride that begins and
ends with the work of our master craftsmen.